Friday, November 4, 2011

Don't Worry...!

I was in the shower this morning (1:25 AM CDT to be exact), and while listening to an alternative rock station here where I live, I was brushing (my teeth) when I heard a really catchy song play. I literally stood there for a minute, waiting for the song to end before I rinsed. 

I just spent the last 15 minutes searching for the song on the radio station's website, and I do believe I found it, since this one sounded the most similar. 

Here for your enjoyment is Modest Mouse's "Float On."

Ooh.. the Sixties!

I'm always a stickler for things old, especially when it comes to music or television shows. I especially like shows that pushed the envelope during the first few decades of television broadcasts. In that nature, here are a few clips from a few shows and artists, including The Smothers Brothers and Tom Lehrer. Enjoy.

I'll apologize upfront for the qualities of some of these clips. I do have higher resolution clips... but I figure it's copyright infringement... or something stuff like that.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Blast from the (recent) Past!

I posted "Life is complicated. Ha-ha" on Facebook earlier and someone left this as a comment. So, to you...
Avril Lavigne's 2003 hit, "Complicated."

Monday, October 31, 2011

Gettin' Work Done!

When I have some work to do on the computer, it always helps to listen to something while I type... or do whatever it is that I have to do. Tonight, while working in Adobe Flash (the software), I was listening to this. I found it interesting that I listened to the music rather than the lyrics... but that's how I am. 

For your listening pleasure, here is Mexico's leading singer Emmanuel with his song "El Día Que Puedas."

Sunday, October 30, 2011


In order to keep loading times low (and browsers up), you'll have to click "CLICK HERE..." to hear/see the music videos because those flash movies really take a beating on the loading times.

The Management

I Gotta Go

This song has helped write and draw a many blog entries and drawings. 
Here's Robert Earl Keen's "I Gotta Go."

Life on Mars

Last week, I watched the ending of Life on Mars, a BBC show about a police officer who gets run over in 2006 and wakes up in 1973. After waking up and returning to "regular" life, he returns to his job as a police officer. When he discovers that he cannot feel (he had cut his hand), he goes up to the roof of the police station. At this point, David Bowie's "Life on Mars?" (on which the show's title is based on), begins to play. And then he jumps.

That whole ending got to me and here it is, for your listening pleasure, "Life on Mars?"