Friday, March 9, 2012

You & Mia; Me & Eddie

The first big piece of technology I every got (except for a computer) was during my last year in middle school. I was given a little RCA Pearl MP3 player as a birthday gift and I carried that thing everywhere. Then I lost it that summer. And I missed it like an ex-girlfriend.

Carrying You Home

I'm not always in the circle. Information takes a while to reach me from break-ups (cough cough cough) to people's arrest. This song has been out since November 2011 and I just heard of it now, along with actually hearing it on the radio and singing along as if I could match it.

From November, here is "We Are Young" featuring Janelle MonĂ¡e by fun.

My friends are in the bathroom getting higher than the Empire State!
I'll carry you home tonight!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I Hate Mondays

Seriously, who the hell doesn't hate Mondays? Fucking day sucks.

From Matt Sharp Radio on Soundcloud, here is his parody of the introduction from the 
'80s television show, Cheers.

I promise to post something more modern tomorrow. Seriously. :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Open Late Night/Morning Air

Amazon today offered a dollar for a tweet. I did it. And I was rich one dollar. I was rolling in money! Anyway, I "purchased" a few songs, and this song is the more "airy" one of three.