Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Those Indie Tracks

In music terms, indie means independent, groups not associated with a record label. For this entry, I refer to musicians or bands associated with small record labels-- this usage being around since the mid-2000s.

I found all three songs (and artista) in a music sampler on Amazon's MP3 website (U.S. only) and didn't pay much attention to it the first time around. Lately though, while listening to music in my animation class, I heard these  and they got stuck in my head... enough so that I actually sang them in the shower.

If it gets to that point-- it's well established.

For your listening enjoyment today, is Sea Wolf's "Turn the Dirt Over," the Sensation Junkies', "Olalla," and Part Time's "Cassie (Won't You Be My Doll)."

"Olalla" is offered as part as the free Sarathan Records free sampler on Amazon MP3.
"Turn the Dirt Over" is offered for sale at 99
¢ here.
"Cassie (Won't You Be My Doll)" can be found herethanks to Amazon MP3.

All links are to the U.S. Amazon MP3 store
and require an Amazon account to purchase.