Sunday, January 29, 2012

"I'll Never Be Your Woman"

Alright, this is the last post concerning those damn AmazonMP3 credits. I spent the last of them this past Friday, along with incurring a debt of 63¢ on a debit card. I learned it's hard buying three songs for $2.04.

Out of three I bought, this is one I've heard before, or at least, the introduction. And its lyrics are a bit cryptic (like moi) but I just listen to the melody and sound, not the lyrics. Anyway... it cost .69¢ and allowed me to buy another two songs (that I've featured here and here on this blog), so I guess it's all good?

Anyway, for Sunday's listening pleasure, from the one-hit-wonder of the one-man-band, White Town, from 1997, is "Your Woman."