Friday, March 9, 2012

You & Mia; Me & Eddie

The first big piece of technology I every got (except for a computer) was during my last year in middle school. I was given a little RCA Pearl MP3 player as a birthday gift and I carried that thing everywhere. Then I lost it that summer. And I missed it like an ex-girlfriend.

And then I found it the following winter in the sofa after doing some spring cleaning. I carried it everywhere my freshman year of high school. But then it started to act up... and soon someone stole it. Those bitches.

But it's fine. Didn't lose any memory cards or anything because it was already acting up... damn thing didn't play anything near the end.

Anyway, on it were some four or five pre-loaded songs, one of them being this one. So from the nostalgia of  years past, here is "Me and Mia" from Ted Leo and the Pharmacists.

Fighting for the smallest goal to get a little self-control!