Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Pass Into the Night

Last summer was a boring one. I didn't do much in particular, other than see Mr. Rodriguez, but that's another story already told. Any who, I began my summer by exploring our newly-acquired Netflix subscription. One movie that I heard of is "Silence of the Lambs." It deals with a rookie FBI agent trying to capture a person who is killing women and then skinning their bodies. In this, she goes to serial killer Hannibal Lecter to help her profile and capture the killer.

The most memorable scene of the movie is when Buffalo Bill, played by Ted Levine, beings to dress up. This has been re-done in Family Guy, and the lines "Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me; I'd fuck me so hard" have become part of the zeitgeist (just trying to use big words, LOL).

From contralto singer Q Lazzarus, here is her 1988 song "Goodbye Horses," written by William Garvey.
I've seen them come/ I've seen them go
He said, "All things pass into the night."/ 
And I said, "Oh no, sir. I must say you're wrong. I must disagree..."