Friday, April 27, 2012

Not My Family!

In the past three decades, we've seen various conflicts around the world, particulalry in Asia and Africa. But we forget that Europe, although much more united than it was before and after World War II, is still a point for land conflicts. One conflict very unheard of outside the UK and Ireland is The Troubles, an era of political and ethnic fighting that took place mostly in Northern Ireland (administered by the UK), the Irish Republic, and Great Britain.

There are those who believe Northern Ireland should be independent from the UK; others want it become part of Ireland. It's those differences in opinion, along with past religious discrimination (Catholic v. Protestant) that have caused these people to fight one another with paramilitary guerrilla fighters and bombings. And in parts of the country, the "hate" (if you'd like to call it that) is so strong that cities have erected peace fences where neighborhoods of different religious persuasions meet. 

And all that brings us to today's song. The following song talks about The Troubles and how the ongoing violence caused nothing but pain on both sides, scapegoating by those on either side, and more resentment towards one another.

From The Cranberries 1994 album No Need to Argue, here is "Zombie."