Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Just Look Up!

This is song is perfect. While looking on Amazon for music, I came across this one, and I don't regret it one bit. As teens, we believe we know everything there is to know and that we are right, no matter what may have happened. And we also love to give it away. You know.

We think that we are immortal-- and if something bad happens, that our lives are over as we know it. But as a Fort Worth, Texas-council member once said about being bullied as a gay teenager, "It gets better."

And you know what, it does. It really does.

So, as part of the ESF's One Year Anniversary Celebration, here is Mona with "Teenager."
Wait little chump/ Yea, you wait a little later/ You grow up, you grow up!
This entry on The Archenemy is
part of the One Year Anniversary
celebration of the Eddie Sigala Foundation