Saturday, October 13, 2012

Major Tom's a Junkie

Ever since I first watched Life on Mars, and then proceeded to listen to "Life on Mars?", I've always held a fascination with David Bowie. You have this guy, who went around in bright red hair for ten years and acted like, "So what? It's my hair, I'll do what I want." During the same time, put out all this great music and still was cooler than you at your senior prom.

His earlier stuff was something that was weird, but also made you think about what was out there, and sometimes, gave you an excuse to just space out uh-huh. But now with the '70s over, times were changing and things started becoming a bit more electronic, with keyboards, synthesizers, and the keytar. *shudder*  And it's funny again, how I first watched Ashes to Ashes, and several months later, actually got around to listening to "Ashes to Ashes." Not sure how he'll look in a clown costume.

From the 1980 album Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps), David Bowie's "Ashes to Ashes."

They got a message from the Action Man
"'I'm happy, hope you're happy, too'
I've loved all I've needed to love
Sordid details following'"

Coming Soon... intro:
For the first time, I meant what I wrote.
No typo; no mistake; lots of lawsuits.

Coming soon to The Archenemy.